Student Wellbeing


Introducing the Student Wellbeing Team

The Student Wellbeing Team is available to meet with students to support with any challenges that they are facing at school or home. At times we all may face challenges, many that are out of our control and having someone alongside you to support can make all the difference.

Students can see a member of the Wellbeing team by going to the front office or talking to their care group and subject teachers, who will put in a request to follow up with the student.

Building protective strategies, developing resilience and providing a framework of support and guidance supports students to thrive. By encouraging positive relationships, listening with a non-judgemental view and working together with external agencies, ensures that our students are provided with flexible options to succeed. The Wellbeing Team works closely with Senior Leaders, Care Group teachers, subject teachers, parents/guardians and the wider school community to try and provide the best possible outcomes for students.


Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Program at Salisbury High School runs on Monday to Friday mornings from 8:00am - 8:35am. Our Breakfast Program is completely free and available to any student who would like something to eat in the morning. Toasted cheese sandwiches and milo are available. We are based outside the B building by the front gates during the warmer months and move inside to the B8 kitchen when things start to get cooler.

Thank you to Kickstart for Kids and Cos We Care who support our school breakfast program by providing us with the goods needed to run the program. 


Wellbeing Day

Every year Salisbury High School organises an annual Wellbeing Day event with a mission to raise awareness about mental health and increase accessibility to service providers in the community. On this day our students, staff and external service providers spend half a day contributing to make this day successful and have fun at the same time. Over the years, several agencies like Multicultural Youth SA (MYSA), Relationships Australia, Anglicare and others have supported our school with their participation. Agencies either run a wellbeing stall where they engage students through fun and interactive activities, or they facilitate a Wellbeing focused presentation for students.  Staff and students also participate with their own stalls. There is also an opportunity for students to enjoy a range of cultural food, dance and music.


Immunisations and Dental Program

The Student Wellbeing Team is responsible for overseeing the State Government Immunisation program and the Australian Dental Foundation My School Dentist program. Information and consent forms will be sent home with students at the start of each year. Please ring the front office for any further information


Student Wellbeing Team