The City-Based Discovery Program (CBDP) is an initiative from the Department of Education, developed through Disability Services. Its primary goal is to show young adolescent students with disabilities, along with their teachers and parents, that being active can be enjoyable.
The CBDP builds upon and further develops students' social skills. Students collaborate with peers from Para Hills High School, studying two Modified SACE Stage 1 subjects. Through this program, students focus on enhancing their communication skills, boosting self-esteem, and using community-based experiences for growth.
Students also work on key skills such as goal setting, problem solving, and decision-making, all of which are essential components of self-determination. These skills are crucial for lifelong success, as students with disabilities who are self-determined are more likely to thrive as adults.
Salisbury High School has been an active participant in and strong supporter of this program for several years, consistently witnessing numerous individual successes each year.