City-based Program

The City-based Transition program is a Department of Education initiative that currently operates out of Fowlers, North Terrace Adelaide. The program was developed through Disability Services and is still managed by the Prospect Centre. The overall aim is to demonstrate to young adolescent students with disabilities, their teachers and parents that being active can be enjoyable. 

The City Program is the continuation and further development of student’s social skills. Students work in collaboration with other students with disabilities from other high schools and study two SACE Stage 1 subjects (non- modified). Students work on developing communication skills and self-esteem and use the community to gain further experiences, both recorded in journals. Second years students study a SACE Stage 1 Health subject.

Students work on skills such as goal setting, problem solving and decision making which are all key elements of self-determination. This is an important aspect of life long skills as students with disabilities who are self-determined are much more likely to succeed as adults.

Salisbury High School has actively participated in and supported this program for a number of years and has, annually, seen many individual successes.